Tuck In!

Unreadable menus, confusing toilet signage, and even finding your Uber! There are a number of barriers preventing restaurants from being fully accessible. In this episode of RSBC unseen we hear from Charlotte, Zenni, and Chi as they share their personal experiences when ordering at restaurants, pubs, and takeaways and the problems they experience.
Tune in to hear them discuss their tips and tricks to make dining out the relaxing and enjoyable experience that it should be and don’t forget to let us know your thoughts by getting in touch at youth.forum@rsbc.org.uk.
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Kaya 0:14
Hello and welcome to another episode of my podcast. Today we will be talking about the accessibility of eating out in pubs, restaurants, as well as ordering food or Takeaways at home. So today we’re joined by Charlotte Hello Zenni and Chi. So eating out in a restaurant should be a fun and relaxing experience. It should be important for restaurants and cafes to think about making their premises accessible to blind and partially sighted people.
Mark Wright 1:02
So if that if that’s the theory, that’s the ideal deal, what what’s the reality like how’s that compared in your experiences?
Kaya 1:10
I think the reality is that is actually quite different in a lot of cases, which we’ll be talking about in this podcast, such as, not being able to access the menus, and which is a big problem and also not being able to go into a restaurant where it’s not accessible to walk around in like, with this steps, not marked for example, and also people who are certainly not known how to actually help you.
Mark Wright 1:48
And cough I’m a pessimist. I like to start off with bad examples. So does anyone want to share at the risk of embarrassment what what their worst eating our experience has been in terms of accessibility and, and how that felt and what happened.
Zenny 2:04
So I don’t think this is like a really embarrassing thing. To be fair, I’ve not really had any embarrassing experiences.
Kaya 2:12
Zenny 2:14
it is kind of like but to be fair, I don’t really blame the restaurant for this though. Like in terms of like, for example, like finding a bathroom or something has like, that’s the thing I struggle with sometimes in restaurants is finding certain places like you know, the bathroom or the or remember, our stuff isn’t in German. But I don’t blame that on the restaurant though. Because like, as a blind person, you can’t be familiar with every like, it’s all I feel like finding places in particular is dependent on your kind of on whether you’ve learned the route or not. And obviously at a new restaurant, you’re not expected to know the route and like, I don’t really know what a restaurant could do that would help you know, where, you know, certain places as far as I know, like to places where I’ve been like restaurants do have like Berlin stuff on restrooms now like on bathrooms and stuff.
Charlotte 3:18
So I completely agree and I have walked into men’s toilets at restaurants a few times it is extraordinary new person. But as someone who’s visually impaired, but not I’ve got some vision I actually think there is a lot that they can do. There’s a lot of restaurants near me if they have brown I don’t know where it is. And I don’t read Braille but like you know the signs on the woman and men’s toilet say to say which is when they quite often in hard cases like right at the top of the door whereas it could be 10 times easier. Or the actual symbol that’s there so sometimes it will be like you know the normal stick man woman or man and then other times you go to these places and even slightly people I’m with like hang on which ones is it women
Kaya 4:03
are usually really like
Unknown Speaker 4:04
funky symbols but just
Kaya 4:09
sometimes I’ve been to a restaurant I think it was a Spanish restaurant or something like that. You know when when one of the symbols on the doors had like a hat and us like I thought like you said even people full vision could tell So how on earth would we have a chance to tell so they don’t exactly make it easy? That’s a problem in some cases so
Charlotte 4:40
yeah, I think that’s what it is mostly like you know, within the restaurant sound with friends you know, with a with a partner even like okay, yeah, your guy can go up to teach the girls toilets but it’s so much easier to go and if you’re on your own, where you know, you go to a work meeting or somewhere where you’re not maybe that comes with everyone that’s with you. It wants to just find yourself and everything the science for The tweeters sometimes I’ll even be a family. And it’s where the toilet you know, everyone’s looking around and I don’t know, where are they? Where are they? But why don’t they just have simple big block little black signs around the place that’s quite easy for you to find stuff. Okay, if you’re blind, you might not see it. But at least it’s easier if someone does, you know, you get the whole annoying thing where someone goes, Oh, they’re over there. But their point, and you might be able to tell roughly where they if there’s a sign that is clear, and simple enough, then that would help and the symbols on the door, I think that is the main thing that causes me so many problems. Because I usually find the toilet, then I just have no idea which ones which,
Kaya 5:37
yeah, but it’s not just that, I think also problems in the past, like when I asked someone who works at the restaurant, if they could just share with the direction of like, where to find it. And then they don’t give always very useful directions, and you just end up on the other side of the restaurant. So
Zenny 6:01
the restaurant has some stuff, like I’ve not really had any bad experiences with staff members, they’ve always been quite accommodating, quite helpful. You know, in most cases, they are often you know, they’re willing to help you. They are
Kaya 6:15
very willing to help. And that’s true. Definitely.
Zenny 6:20
Other options also, like I we’re all like be my eyes as well, like, you know, to find certain places. Because the realistic thing is that businesses, our main interest is to make money not spend money on making things mean. So, which is really sad. And obviously, there’s some Yeah, but I didn’t realise about the whole sign things was the I can’t see that well to know where they were. But no, definitely they definitely fix them with us. That’s something that even sighted people struggle with, like he said, and that’s ridiculous to be fair like this. Because she put this, like near the like, you know, where people could see it.
Charlotte 7:03
I think sometimes it’s about making things look fancy. So if you go on to like, you know, many it is, I guess that’s probably the second. Most, they’re probably the two biggest struggles when you’re out like that is toilets and menus. But the menus is all like, if they make them look too pretty. It just makes them impossible to read if you do have a bit of sight. I mean, I can’t read many menus, but before COVID. Or we can probably go on to that in a bit how things have actually improved massively because of COVID. But it’s more that like, when I was reading a menu, nine times out of 10, I’d be taking a picture of the menu on my phone to then zoom in on it. And that’s fine, like I can manage. But if they’ve got this fancy writing or Italian pictures everywhere, or colours, yeah, actually, it just makes it impossible. Just keep it simple. Like I know, you might like it to look pretty. But like butane, even if you’re sighted, even if you’re sighted, I think a menu is something that you can just keep paying and symbols, you know where things are.
Kaya 7:54
I also find just take a picture of the menu, because I find it difficult to read small writing, and then I can just zoom in on my, on the picture and but also another an app that I find really useful, is seen through and then take a picture. Yeah. That’s really useful.
Zenny 8:19
You didn’t see here only issue I have with those apps, though, in terms of like seeing AI and stuff like that. Yeah, the issue I have with that. Is that, um, you know, like, for me or other people that have it worse than me who can’t see anything like, oh, it’s really hard to know what you’re taking a picture up because like sometimes, like, I don’t know, if you guys have it, it’s really delayed, like where it says certain things. And like, obviously, because the camera can’t see it properly. It’s hard to sit like know what it is. And then you can end up taking a picture of a table or something. So
Kaya 8:55
we have the problem with that app is that if there are so many different columns, I feel like the app doesn’t know how to define with the different columns to just read it all in one like sentence basically. So yeah.
Charlotte 9:12
The good thing we’ve seen in AI, I think is well, it doesn’t always do it’s one of the better ones. Because if you if you have no you have got a bit of paper in front of you. It does say something like left corner, not visible white colour not visible and all that. So I get those objects on the table stuff. Yeah, that’s, that’s true. To be fair, yeah. Is one of the better ones because it does tell you what parts of the pay is missing. It’s a bit of paper. But that’s also about COVID. I think everything has actually improved with code. There’s so many things that have got better with COVID that people don’t think about like when restaurants first reopened after COVID. I walked into one. There’s like oh look at the menus here on this page on your table. And I was like what you’ve got the menu online that you’ve never had your menu online. And it’s just everywhere. All the pubs that you go to There’s an app. Yeah, the stuff you do now, there is an app or an online thing to do. And I just think that’s what like, you know, we’ve probably done this talk about something like this before. And we’ve all said it’d be easier if it was online. Yeah. And I just think it makes it I feel so much more comfortable walking into a restaurant, where I know that I can see it all myself and I can order it myself. Going out to the pub on a Friday night, my mate, if I want a drink, and no one else does, I don’t have to think oh, now go go find the bar. I can No, no, you’re so much easier.
Kaya 10:33
Although very, like, difficult for us. With the way we have it on the table, but no, definitely improvement. I agree.
Zenny 10:49
Just saying that kind of leads on to that topic in terms of accessibility, because some apps are really good, you know, online stuff, but others are just terrible.
Kaya 10:59
Yeah, definitely.
Charlotte 11:11
I think I think we’re all at different times here a little today’s. The same, like some of the apps, they make it too fancy. And you’re like,
No, it’s make sense, I can see some ways because actually, I go to my dad, and there’s an app, my dad would have no idea how to get the app to do, because he’s not as great with technology to like, you know, older generations that go to these places, they don’t want to order on an app, they don’t want to say that they want to get up and go to the bar or speak to a waiter or something like that. So but I think that’s why now it’s probably better, everything’s opened back up, you have the choice. Whereas when things first opened up, you had to not leave your table, you have to use the app. And I know, there was a lot of people like friends or family members that weren’t very technology that actually really did struggle with that. But now where you’ve got the choice, I think, you know, it suits everyone because you can be lazy and sit at your table and not move and audio stuff. Or you can get up and look at the menu or do whatever you want to do.
Kaya 12:06
I do find it easier in some ways. So just like taking a picture of the menu, and then just zooming in. Because I do like like percent I do find, you know, when you scan the tone and look at the menu on on your phone, like some of them are really not very accessible. And then it just makes it difficult. But yeah, I’m
Charlotte 12:29
hoping that they all start to improve, because I think when restaurants could reopen, and you know, they had to do all these things, it was quite rushed. And they probably just quickly, something to shove on there. Because they’re probably getting slightly better. Now.
Zenny 12:42
The other issue, there is kind of an issue, though, with the whole apps thing. Like if they’re not accessible, like, in theory, they’re really good. But sometimes, like I was saying before, and like we’re all saying there, they can be a bit inaccessible. Now the issue is, is that some kind of restaurant stuff because there’s an app, they’re very reluctant to help because they they’re trying to push everyone to the app, like I remember, I think it was at this one time, kind of where it was. And I was like, Can I please have some help? Like, oh, just go on the app and was like, Well, I’m sorry, you know, essentially, like your app was kind of inaccessible. And like, and it’s like, so yeah, the app is great in that. But then it’s not always the most accessible thing. And then like or sometimes you get like, if you’re with like, people are the people that I will ask your friends to read if that’s not the point like, yeah.
Kaya 13:39
Yeah, I agree and experience the same thing. And like shut, like Charlotte said, I feel like a lot of the restaurants at the moment. They’re definitely trying to push the app. And, you know, if you do ask for help, and they say, yeah, just look on the app, you know, it’s not really helping at all. So it does make it difficult sometimes. Yeah,
Charlotte 14:03
and I think no, I’m not because I don’t like relying on other people. And like I said earlier, if you’re out with a group of people you’re not that familiar with, or worked in or, or, you know, something along the lines of you, they’re not your close friends. You don’t always want to ask someone to like read the whole menu out for you. Yeah, it’s not nice. Even my friends like, they’re absolutely fine to do it. By now. I’ve got a friend with dyslexia and all different things and they’re not comfortable to sit there and read the whole menu Act makes everyone has different, like, you know, different needs a different problem and issue besides that,
Zenny 14:32
it’s like it’s their job. Like it’s not your it’s not, it shouldn’t be put on your friends to do that. You know, I mean, like, it shouldn’t be called our friends to, like, get friends is supposed to help them whatever. But at the same time, you’re the one who works here. So like, you know, just saying like
Kaya 14:54
it’s nice to green, you know, have the independence of being able to read a man mean by yourself and also, you know, some restaurant a lot of freshers very, you know, was some restaurants have large print menu some have failed but not many have the options of accessible menu it’s not a problem.
Charlotte 15:20
So I think it comes down to so because I’ve been to so many different restaurants I mean, the problem is is all me not looking blind, as I’ve said many times before. Yeah, asking for help. So you know, I don’t always like, you know, like we said, toilet? So would you mind show me the toilet? Because sometimes you feel like they’re looking at why can’t you find it yourself, even if you say you’re visually impaired have said before, people seem to just ignore that you’ve said that because they’re looking at is the same. But in all fairness, I think the best experiences I’ve had, and like, this is just weird best is whenever I’ve gone out to a restaurant with a group of other visually impaired people. And I think there might be they’ve had better experiences than me or know how to ask things better. But like I’ve gone to places before, I’m gonna say Toby carvery. I’ve gotten there before and just struggled to get my food, and haven’t really realised that actually, if you sit there and ask, they’ll just do it for you. But I don’t think I really thought of that. And did I go out with other visually impaired people, and you realise how happy some restaurant staff are actually to help doesn’t happen all the time. But I’ve been to some places where like, you ask them to do certain things, like they’re just really helpful. And it’s because they’ve seen the cane or someone that obviously has differences, but they some people can be absolutely great. Can you get the opposite? Where they must just look at you and say, Yeah, I can’t be bothered to help.
Zenny 16:36
Yeah, like, that is what?
Kaya 16:41
Sorry. I was gonna say, moving on to takeaways I find use in companies like just eating, delivery or finding. Yeah, using the website version is so much easier than the app version. I don’t know if you’ve used to eat. Yeah, I do. Because I did I just find the apps are quite difficult to use.
Unknown Speaker 17:08
Oh, wow, I use it up to the time I find the apps just eat are all pretty accessible. I’ve never had a problem with them to be honest. I have is like finding the food I want in which category it’s in. But that’s not a visually impaired problem. That’s just the problem anyway,
Zenny 17:27
I think the issue I have isn’t, particularly with ordering it. It’s the delivery process, because you get like, like, for example, like, I don’t have struggled with it much at the moment. But like when I was staying in, I was thinking a flat before and the flood happened to locate in crazy place or whatever. And the thing is, if you can try and explain things to these delivery people that is over here, you can wait outside and stuff, but I haven’t Yeah, so I have more like an issue with delivering stuff. Because, like people, especially like, I guess because it’s such a low paid job. And so people aren’t really that willing to kind of put in the effort to try and find it. And obviously, that’s the one thing I struggle with the trying to find a driver or delivery person, person with my food or whatever. And it’s not even just with the food. It’s like with, like with getting
Charlotte 18:34
I love Uber but how do we find out? Yeah.
Zenny 18:44
And then like the thing is, and they cancel it, and then we get charged. Yeah. And it’s so stupid, because I thought I’ve literally put in the message and in the notes. Hey, I’m blind. I’m wearing this I got a stick. You can’t find where you should like, if you don’t know, I would complain to Uber
Charlotte 18:59
about the ones but anyway, about like my house is easily found. I don’t think I’ve ever had a drive or not really find it. But I have stayed at house before was one of them. Ones were like these two roads next to each other and everyone gets confused which one and blardy blar. And the driver always called Oh, I’m outside, but there was never actually outside. So you’d always have to go out and find them. And like that’s probably like what you’re saying it’s just, it’s impossible. You’re like, oh, sorry, I’m visually impaired. Like you need to find the house that I’ve ordered it too. And yeah.
Kaya 19:32
And then you have to hunt around for the car and then but, ya know, I have the same problem can ever find my house.
Charlotte 19:41
I think in terms of actually ordering the takeaway. I think you want them I was just eating everyone. UberEATS I think all three of them like I haven’t really had a problem with their access. Yeah,
Zenny 19:50
great. When you can order it. Yeah. Going back to the delivery thing. I think one of the issues I have is With a lot of them is communication. Like, I just definitely like, want to sound really bad saying this. But like, it’s really hard to communicate with them, because a lot of them don’t speak like English very well. It’s really hard to kind of communicate with them to tell them where something is, or like, you know, and it’s like, they don’t understand you, you don’t understand them, then you show me and it just gets a bit messy like that as well. Like, I wonder if maybe there’s a window.
Charlotte 20:35
I even think, oh, no, because you’re not going to lie. It’s not saying anything bad, you go to an Italian restaurant. Once in Enfield, you go to the Italian restaurants, a lot of the workers are Italian, or you go to the Turkish restaurants, I love a good Turkish kebab, and Turkish so you know, it’s just the way that it is. And it’s true, sometimes. Even little things, I went to an Italian restaurant and I wanted to help reading the menu. And on in Italian restaurant, you know, there’s all these pastors that you can’t announce. And all that sort of thing about communication, I stopped sending meetings bad, but they’re saying these words like reading the menu out to you. And you’re like, what is that? And it just makes it so difficult? Yeah.
Kaya 21:15
Yeah, it’s just as well with the menu as well. Because that actual name of the day is always like, in like larger font and in bold, and then the description of what it actually is. It’s always like smaller Finders are so. But I sometimes find it really useful. Like, when I know what restaurant I’m going to, I look at the website, like I look at their website, and then look at it on my phone, because so then I can just zoom in. And I find that a lot easier. Sometimes you don’t if you guys have fun that. You see.
Zenny 21:55
I was just gonna say I had this one experience. I’m thinking about the whole blindness thing and understanding communicating. And I’ve had a couple experiences like this, most of my boys like just go in somewhere like an Uber, but I’ve had this experience as well, like when I’ve ordered food. And I’ve stood outside. And as I’ve emphasised many times that I’m blind, then they’ll call you. Right and this is how the conversation will go. Yeah, I’m outside. Yes, I am. I am what I’m waiting for you like, you know, I’m wait. And wait, see, where are you? I’m out here. Look to the left. Sir, I’m blind as I said in the notes, or oh, man, I don’t want to be like sexist. But you know, sir, or Ma’am, I’m or any other gender, whatever. I’m here, like, you know, I can’t see you. Okay, but like, I’m to the left and to the left. Like, that’s not helping me. Yeah.
Kaya 22:45
Exactly the same experience. Don’t worry. I mean, yeah, it’s
Zenny 22:52
just so stupid. Like, I’m like, I’m just like, it feels like I like the thing, you know, annoys me the most is like, Oh, we can I can see you. But that’s me. Oh, I can see you. as well. If you can see me. See me? Don’t get out of your car off your bike. Right? Yeah, then come and help me because if you can see them standing here with a stick looking for you. And I’m telling you that I can’t you? Yeah,
Mark Wright 23:21
no. I was I was gonna ask him that as any. So in terms of actually being in that the restaurant or the outlet, rather than ordering at home? Do you notice that there’s or are there different accessibility issues, say between a sit down restaurant any kind of fast food joint like Mac DS or something?
Zenny 23:40
So what do you mean like in comparison to ordering online? Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, definitely. There’s definitely different kinds of I mean, because it’s a different kind of scenario. Obviously, like ordering online, the issue that I have personally is trying to find delivery driver of time. But then in a restaurant, I feel like personally for me, like I don’t have as many issues in the restaurant. I mean, I guess the issue is like trying to read the menu and stuff, but usually you can ask someone to kind of do it or you can use the my eyes or seeing AI or something like that. There’s always this like always another way around it even if the restaurant isn’t willing to kind of be kind of helpful. Whereas like the whole driver thing, like a delivery thing is really hard to like there’s nothing else you can really do. I do feel like
Charlotte 24:26
it’s restaurant you’re in as well, though, because we just said McDonald’s and that just reminded me why I hate going into McDonald’s. screens that you order on unless you’ve got a cane in your hand or something obvious. They push everyone to the screens to order on. And then you get your number and they call out your number. Not being funny, that’s not accessible one bit. It just does not work. I haven’t seen that actually. Yes, he is they’ve been there for like years, most of it. Donald’s have had one or two of them screens for years. During COVID. Everyone was like, they want you to go to these screens. And you order Unlike a touchscreen, and that’s where you do your order, and it prints you off a receipt, and it’s got a number on it, and then they call your number up, and I can’t see the screen. And if I do work out the screen, I then think, Oh God, now I’ve got to work out what numbers on my receipt? Like, it’s just, it’s really not accessible. And they seem to just push you to the screens. And I’ve said a few times, or I’m visually impaired with it. It’s one of them times where they sort of switch off to what you’re saying. And it’s like, yeah, just use the screen. Yeah, but I don’t want to use the screen.
Kaya 25:25
Yeah, definitely, definitely find restaurants and what like a lot easier from that point of view. You know, that none of that. Ryan, like, like you said, you know, if you need any help this always someone who can help. Yeah, I definitely use a delivery that much because I live, I live outside of London. So I have no more like, you know, take away like take away in places which aren’t like a chain. So and then you have to read these menus, which are literally like font size, like five or something. And you have to zoom in so much that becomes blurry then. But it can overcome that by just looking at the website since Yeah.
Mark Wright 26:11
I think it was Charlotte, who touched on pubs earlier, which again, is still part of the eating or drinking experience. And I know not everyone goes into pubs for all sorts of reasons. But is there a difference between the experience there and how accessible so how accessibility works in say, a pub or a bar? As opposed to a restaurant? What’s the difference? Is it better? Is it worse? What are the issues around?
Charlotte 26:37
I think it depends on the situation. We’re in the pub, like, I’d probably rather go to a pub and eat because I just think they had apps before restaurants I think, and stuff like that. And their toilets, I think toilets in a public easier to find because they’re normally in like a similar place. Yeah, and like things like that. But in restaurants, they can be like mazes and stuff. So I actually quite like pubs. And a lot of the pubs around here have had apps for years, whereas the restaurants have been so quiet like going in there. That were there. quite like that. But I’m just off I think I think because the staff and I go to like, you know, local pubs and stuff. I think our staff are lovely as well. Yeah, I think it depends. Because then in a restaurant, everyone is sitting down at a table. So the difference is a pub is if you go on like a Friday, man, it’s really busy. That’s when a restaurant would be
Kaya 27:28
a table. Definitely.
Zenny 27:30
Yeah. I was gonna say restaurants are usually more. I mean, unless it’s like McDonald’s or wherever. But usually, restaurants are a little bit more kind of chilled, so you can actually hear what a stock I’m a single shot fine. Always pretty difficult to kind of do that. I don’t know if you guys have ever had this product. Have you ever been to a restaurant and like when they see your blind they just kind of give you free stuff or like it is just cut your stuff. It was like, Oh, that’s pretty
nice. Yeah, like I literally remember I went to it was my sister’s birthday. And we went to this like, I love this restaurant. We go there all the time. There’s like this like restaurant and it’s like 25 quid per person. And it’s like a buffet system. And I obviously have my cane with me or whatever. And they just literally just didn’t even charge for me. I was just like, what
Kaya 28:25
have you ever heard of that company? Voucher Codes? Really good. So, like, you can type in like any restaurant and and then then you can like get discount codes that are really useful like two for one and nine courses, that sort of thing. Oh, wow. I really recommend it. I use it a lot.
Zenny 28:47
You have to send that to me. I don’t know what that is.
Kaya 28:52
So um, yeah, things I think things that definitely help
Charlotte 28:56
you can get things like that all the time. If I go to like any restaurant chain, I quite often look up the name of it and voucher codes. Yeah, we’ll usually find that your discount
Kaya 29:07
I did this when I went with freshmen and going to a look at I look out for batch codes before I go out and you know, even things like 30% off your off your bills. So you are so helpful. So yeah, and yeah. encourages you to go out as well. So yeah.
Zenny 29:30
Uber likes given loads of promotions to now Uber Eats Yeah. Yeah.
Charlotte 29:38
Like Uber too much because I’ve done it so many times where you go you look at the exact same restaurant on Uber and just even on Uber, it’s like twice the price of juste
Alex Man 29:49
like your local takeaway and stuff ordered directly from them, it helps them out and they often will give it to you a little bit cheaper as well. So if he’s like oh, if he called directly and say, hey, if I ordered you order with you directly and not use just Uber, can you give me a discount or something like that? So
Zenny 30:08
when I’ve caught up places, I’ve got it like stuff cheaper, like my fiance and I don’t like having the same pizza, for example. So we end up getting like, our separate ones. And we usually give a bigger one. So obviously, is that we can have it for dinner, like on that night, and then the night after, sometimes, like, so I’ve like to look on apps and stuff. And it’s like, you know, 2060 quid, and then I’ve called them and it’s like, 21, like for two largely to actual orders, like sweet. But that’s what I was saying. Like, you can just get them cheaper, like Mucor
Charlotte 30:40
is another point that we haven’t really touched on. Actually, if you don’t find apps accessible for the website, you don’t have delivery, you can just read them
Kaya 30:47
call them yeah.
Zenny 30:50
Not all the time, though. Because sometimes when I try to look for numbers to like, some places they don’t happen. And it’s like really hard to find the number of like, webs and stuff like that, because not all the time they have them like
Charlotte 31:04
most do but I think the other issue with that as well. I never have cash like never recall. Yeah, no. Some of them do takeout pizza hot dogs be worried about your long hard number, which most blind people is pretty impossible.
Kaya 31:19
Yeah, that’s the worst thing when they’re like, oh, sorry. Well,
Mark Wright 31:23
yeah, the simple fact that not necessarily being able to see what’s on your plate and yeah, that being a factor in the experience, I don’t know how anyone’s felt about that and whether or whether it’s even something that that makes a difference, but I’m just curious as a sighted person as to what people feel about
Charlotte 31:40
it definitely does it’s so frustrating that in restaurants I guess you know what you’ve ordered but if there’s more than one thing on your plate, it could be a million base a friend’s house you know, so and they put a plate in front of me I’m sorry. Okay, well, what is it? Like what’s what? And in a restaurant is the same I guess? Yeah, but it is really annoying. I think I have done a shot from an empty shot glass many times because I’ve ordered shots or my friends ordered shots and I pick one up and it’s someone’s really done that one
Kaya 32:12
I’ve had that problem before joy.
Zenny 32:14
Yeah, or putting in your mouth
Kaya 32:18
like clear as well. That’s worse. Yeah. And then the classroom fix I can’t see it which is annoying as
Charlotte 32:26
well. I think like when you said about food when you’re playing I went to a restaurant the other day actually. And it was them so ordered a curry but a very mild curry wasn’t spicy but you know when they put like the massive chilies in it just to like make a big mouthful was one of these chilli my home no spicy curry I don’t understand why it wasn’t so why put such a spicy thing on the page and I don’t even it was like could have been eaten Should I just didn’t make it Yeah, so things like that and seeing what’s on your plate can be solidly
Zenny 33:03
Yeah, like yesterday I went I was I went for lunch with my friend and we got a roast dinner and obviously I said all the trimmings right. So we got this roast and obviously we didn’t know what was on that so we thought well the trimmings on there. So me and my friend spent the whole like hour looking for the looking for stuffing. Stuffing but like obviously we wouldn’t have known that because it said all the trimmings and obviously we couldn’t see that it wasn’t there. You know I mean like Yeah, but actually speaking like speaking of like, delivering and stuff and not knowing what you’ve got. I was just gonna say I struggle more with that like when it comes to like ordering shopping online like Sainsbury’s or Eisner sometimes they replace things. Yeah, didn’t have certain things. Yeah, yeah. And then they wrote it on some piece of paper which I can’t read. But they replace something and it’s like, and then like you don’t realise when you try and like I guess you can be seeing I owe everybody like sometimes like oh no like see just what you think you know what everything is because you’ve obviously ordered everything and like you you’re familiar with a box in it and stuff and they give you like a replacement on which is the same thing but like maybe like a different flavour or something and you wouldn’t know once you open it and you eat and it’s like oh, this isn’t what I
Kaya 34:21
have. I’ve definitely had that problem before
Zenny 34:25
although to be fair, Sainsbury’s is really good now because now they email you and they say this is what we couldn’t give like we’ve replaced exciting with exciting, which has to do that is pretty good.
Kaya 34:41
Yeah, definitely
Charlotte 34:42
think at least aside, we’re gonna see bits. So you know if you’re like, say you’re a vegetarian, and you’ve ordered pizzas, you can see what’s got me on it. Yeah, that kind of stuff. I mean, I haven’t necessarily had any weird discoveries, but I know I’ve eaten some stuff in the past and I still don’t know what it was.
Kaya 35:00
It’s awesome, interesting one,
Mark Wright 35:03
potentially be serious. So yeah, we’ve talked about the topic in terms of fairly mainstream eating habits, I guess. But if say someone is vegetarian or vegan or has a particular food allergy, you know, we think of the ways that some of those could even be fatal. Do you know of any issues that have arisen around that in terms of people not being able to be aware of the fact that you know, this meal contains nuts?
Charlotte 35:30
I think you got really good recently for allergies in general, haven’t they? Love you all to then you say you’ve got an allergy.
Kaya 35:39
Now? Yeah, I’ve got some friends who have allergies and that normally very good, really professional batter.
Zenny 35:51
I’m not struggling with that with like, oh, phone
Charlotte 35:56
in terms of like buying food or broader intake has been even on like, just eat in the absence of they’ve normally got symbols for that as well. I think it’s not too bad. But if you ordered food with other people, and some of you have allergies, some don’t, and all that. That would see an app.
Zenny 36:13
Wow. Yeah. So I haven’t actually had, well, obviously, whenever loads of people, then there’s been an issue. But in general, usually I don’t actually have issues with the apps or restaurants. But there was one incident. And then I was in school, and I was about I was like really reception or year one. And I remember it was like, I don’t know why, but we’re eating food, like in our classrooms, the school has and stuff, whatever. And obviously, I am Muslim, so I can’t eat pork. So when I used to follow it back then I’m probably a you know, wouldn’t do certain things. So obviously, eating pork was one of them. But so basically, I remember this one day, and I got this food, obviously, like, you know, you have a little green band red band thingies that says that, you know if you can eat meat or whatever. So, yeah, so I got the banding. That was a that was all good. And then I got my food. And I was like, This doesn’t seem like what it was supposed to be. And obviously, like no one had told me what was in the box of food. I was just handed this box of food. So I like tried to. I was like, Huh, what’s this? Because it tasted really weird. I was like, why is this? And they’re like, Oh, we did we ran out of them. Vegetarian stuff. So this is pork. I was like, Oh my God. And then they were like literally saying that I was like you have to eat it because not going to end because I was like, Well, I’m not eating it because I can’t eat his. So you take it away, because I’m not eating it at first. Like you didn’t tell me what was in his box. Like Boba Fett was allergic to something like yeah, I would say Fair enough. Like, a religious belief is different, like being allergic to something you like, except there was like something that I was allergic to. And you didn’t tell me what was in there? Like, I’m just there trying to eat in jahmene. Like,
Kaya 38:09
yeah, no, exactly. That’s crazy. Wow. It’s clearly basically didn’t take it seriously.
Zenny 38:19
No, they didn’t. I was just like, Well, hey, it mean it. But yeah. But the thing that like the point is like, sometimes you have the issue with restaurants. Sometimes it’s in like places where you would assume that, you know, they would be a bit more considerate. And then not like, yeah, yeah, I had no clue what was in there. And I just because they said it’s gonna be rice or something from festival thing. And I was like, okay, and this thing doesn’t taste out rice. Oh, my.
Charlotte 38:51
So it’s just made me think of another one. So the container I worked wasn’t really that accessible. And the staff there weren’t that there was a menu every day the lifts. But how random and when you get up there, but it’s just like a paper that they print out every day because they change the menu every day. So manual canteen. But that was possible, and you ask them for help. And they were just like, look at you like you’re crazy. But it just reminded me something else as well. Because once you get your food, you then have to walk around and find an empty table.
Zenny 39:15
Oh, God. Oh, God, is the worse. Yeah,
Kaya 39:23
that’d be so worried about dropping your food or something like that. Or tripping over something? Yeah.
Zenny 39:29
You get in schools, as well. Like, especially in school, you get these idiots that purposely try and trip you up and stuff. It’s like, ah I was. This is a really embarrassing but anyway, so I was in school and I got my lunch. And I was walking. And there was this like, give us like this. You know, it’s like a wet floor and you put those things on it like the current Oh, yeah, they’re fine. Yeah. Yellow things. Yeah. So I was walking out We’ll see I didn’t see it. And this was like when I was young, so I didn’t have much cane training like and I. And obviously, I still don’t have my cane because it was just like a small little ball thing. It wasn’t like, I didn’t really need it. But anyway, I was walking and I was really, really happy that day because it was trying to pasture for lunch. And I was really so there I am walking along merrily along the like, you know, in between the tables, rents of walking to anyone that didn’t see the sign, and I fell over it all it was so I felt a face and everything just went completely quiet. I was like, I just remember ran out of the hole. I was like, I have not hungry anymore.
Charlotte 40:41
I think it’s quite funny, because the sighted people is to help them not trip but for blind people. You should put in a hazard in front of us.
Kaya 40:47
Yeah, literally.
Zenny 40:48
Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So yeah, that restaurants as well. I guess like some restaurants do that to that. They put stuff like that, especially, you know, their toilets. They always put them in the toilet something like, yeah. But I guess the difference is restaurants, you usually do take kids, I mean, I take my kids stuff into restaurants, things because obviously you’re not familiar with it and all that. But I’m imagining someone who wasn’t who hadn’t had cane train, like training or whatever. Just trying to like get to the toilet or whatever. It’s just all whereas just walking to
Kaya 41:26
God, that’s bad. Yeah.
Mark Wright 41:30
Going back to the thing about different kinds of dining experiences, which to some people might be innovative to others. Why are they doing that kind of thing? Did any? Has anyone ever done that dining in the dark experience done?
Kaya 41:44
Yes. Aye. Aye, did the experience and I was also waitress for the for an event. And that was really interesting, actually. Because I think when when you have like one of your senses taken away, I think it kind of emphasises other like you really concentrate on the taste of it and how it looks, which is really interesting, actually. And how to look. It’s really it’s really good actually. I recommend it a lot.
Zenny 42:20
How many people get really, really scared, they’re like, apparently, like, I have a friend was telling me that like, you know, like, sometimes these slight people come in, they’re like, they get so scared. They like start crying and leave because they just get that. That nervous. And it’s really interesting. Like, obviously, like, it’s not funny, but I shouldn’t laugh. But it’s interesting to kind of see people’s reactions to kind of having to do that. And it’s just, it’s Yeah, but like, I haven’t actually ever done it yet. I’m thinking of going. Because obviously I have a bit of sight. So it’d be different for me as well. To kind of test that and see if I didn’t run away as well or would I
Charlotte 43:05
lose interest in it as well, but I’ve never had it my parents have. It was just so funny to get them and come back and pour a drink because he was doing and all these things. And it’s like yeah,
Zenny 43:18
I thought it was like, Hey, we’re both blind. We’re here to try being blind.
Kaya 43:25
Because also like when when I saw when the RNC in Hereford, and we had an event there and I was waitressing. And the people who were you were serving, we weren’t allowed to tell them what they were eating. So they had to like try and guess what they were eating. And it completely threw everyone off guard. It was really interesting.
And then asking them everyone, after they had eaten each course, like what they thought they had eaten, and it was completely different to what they thought. It’s interesting.
Zenny 44:08
Yeah, cuz I think what happens is in the restaurant they give you like, so you can either pick from the veggie menu, the meat menu or the fish menu. So then you pick which one you’re comfortable eating. And then they kind of puts it in our plate and they give it to you and then give like pull your own drinks and work out what you eat. And it’s completely pitch black and you can’t see nothing. Yeah. Even when you’re like so even when you’re walking to the tables as well, it’s really good like the way they’ve done it like because even so what happens is I think as far as I know, that you go in and oh, she kind of like then and then you go up from stairs or something and that’s when it goes like pitch black and the things that might be pitched back to like on the stairs and then the blanks like a lot of the waitresses and waiters are blind so they kind of guide you to a table in the door.
Charlotte 44:52
They have my parents. I mean it’d be so interesting to see If I remember my mom was like they handed me the service they ordered I bought a wine there’s Oh, who wants to type it in Florida? No, my mom dad and that would like to know about that, whereas I would have been algebra because we know how to do that.
Kaya 45:11
Zenny 45:16
Yeah, I wouldn’t mind. I wouldn’t have an issue with that, but I’d have an issue with trying to find a tape in the pitch black bag.
Charlotte 45:26
Thank you, everyone for listening to this episode of Rsbc unseen it’s time for a new topic and something else to chat about.
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