Sasha’s story

Meet aspiring fashion designer, Sasha.
Sasha loves to draw and make things, and at just nine years old she is already a whizz with a sewing machine.
Sasha also happens to have sight loss.
Born with a number of sight-limiting conditions including albinism, nystagmus, astigmatism, photophobia and strabismus, Sasha has always had to accept that life is not as easy for her as it is for her peers.
She is no stranger to hospitals, having had various treatments and surgeries over the years, and her lack of depth perception has frequently led to nasty bumps and falls in the playground.
But one thing that Sasha refuses to let her sight loss limit is her ambition. As the daughter of a former fashion industry professional, she is determined to follow in her mother’s footsteps and build a career for herself in fashion.
“I love hearing my mum’s stories about her job in London,” says Sasha. “I’m going to be a dress designer when I grow up. I’m already going to a sewing class every week so I can learn new things and practise my sewing skills.”
Sasha’s mother, Alison, contacted RSBC to get help understanding the education and care plan that their local council had given her. She says that having the right information and advice available at every step of Sasha’s sight loss journey has been crucial in ensuring that Sasha doesn’t get left behind her friends.
“Sasha might need a bit of extra help, but there’s no reason that she can’t do all the things that she wants to do in life,” says Alison. “I’m totally confident that with the right support, Sasha can achieve her dreams.”
Sasha is one of 37,000 children and young adults living with sight loss in England & Wales.
But research shows that two thirds of people in the UK have never met a child or young person who has lost their sight.
The first step in creating a better life for blind children is to shine a spotlight on their lives and the challenges they face. This is where you come in.