A photograph of a young boy sat in a children's play park. Over the image is a graphic checklist that reads Included, Supported, Empowered, Equal. Text beneath the image reads 'Will you help make this a reality for more blind children like Jenson?'

Making the huge jump from primary to secondary school can be daunting for any child.

But for blind and partially sighted children like Jenson, it can be extremely distressing. 

The six-week summer holiday, which should be full of fun, can turn into six weeks of worry, fear and dread.  


Here to Help

Every year, the Royal Society for Blind Children help so many blind and partially sighted children transition into secondary school. RSBC offer life-changing services that are a lifeline for so many children like Jenson. But these services can’t run without your urgent support.

This why we are urgently asking for your support.

Your generosity could provide crucial one-to-one-support from a Family Practitioner like Sue. Or it could help more children access  Moving On Up, a vital support service, for blind and partially sighted children making the move to secondary school. 

Make a difference.

This summer you can help remove the
worry, fear and dread from more children like Jenson.

Change a life today

Donate by filling in the form below:

Tips to help students make a smoother transition to secondary school

Download our Transitioning to Secondary School pdf article filled with tips for students on managing anxiety, preparing for changes, making friends, accessing support and more, written by Jody, an RSBC Family Practitioner.

Read our Transitioning to Secondary School tips on our website.