Capacity Building Training in England and Wales 

A young person climbing

Join our free capacity building training and find out how to ensure your provision is inclusive and welcoming to blind and partially sighted children and young people.

(To view this page in Welsh, please use the language selection drop down at the top of the page.)

Aiming higher for children and young people: 

What is the training about?  

This training is a free interactive, online, three-hour course, where you will gain the practical knowledge and confidence to be able to include blind and partially sighted children and young people in your services, whether they are in person or virtual. This includes local youth clubs, activities, sports sessions or anything else that welcomes children and young people to your provision. 

Why is this important? 

We want to work together to promote equality, inclusion and diversity, both in terms of access to youth work services in England and Wales, and in relation to the role that youth work services can play in proactively challenging discriminatory attitudes and behaviours within society. 

We are building on a commitment to support and develop the youth work profession with a career structure offering progression. 

This training responds to the independent recommendations presented to Welsh Government on the Youth Work Strategy for Wales. For the full report: ‘Time to deliver for young people in Wales – Achieving a sustainable delivery model for youth work services in Wales’, please click here 

What will I learn? 

You will learn about common eye conditions and their impact on the individual, You will receive key guidance around how to make your clubs, activities and sessions inclusive for young people with von impairments. 

There will be an opportunity to gain a practical understanding of adapting virtual and face to face activities to make them inclusive to children and young people with sight loss. 

What if I cannot attend the live or face-to-face training? 

We have a special 40-minute Video-on-Demand Option for Children and Youth Volunteers who are short on time and cannot attend the full training. You can register here for the Video Training.

The Qualification: 

  • In England – Participation in the Capacity Building Training will enable you to access the opportunity for a formal accredited qualification in Youth Work and working with VI Young People. 
  • In Wales – Accredited by Agored Cymru, with support from Adult Learning Wales you will be able to gain an accreditation in: 
  • Adapting Sessions to Include Young People with a Vision Impairment Entry Level 3 (1 credit) 
  • Adapting Sessions to Include Young People with a Vision Impairment Level 1 (1 credit) 

These units are available on the Agored Cymru website, unrestricted so it is available to other Centres, and is available to download and register learners against. 

Is the training for me? 

This course is for anyone delivering services for children and young people. You might be a youth worker, volunteer, a young person or anyone with a role working directly with children and young people. 

Our funders and partners:

The Access Unlimited project is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund 

RSBC are delighted to be working in partnership with: 

In England: 

In Wales: 

In London: 

Download the Capacity Building Training Leaflet

Cover of the Access Unlimited England Capacity Building Training leaflet

How do I register?

Please fill the form below: