May is Mental Health Awareness month, and this year RSBC, LOOK and VICTA are combining their years of experience and expertise, working together to deliver a collaborative Parents Workshop for parent carers of blind and partially sighted children and young people.
Accessing support for children and young people with vision impairment can seem overwhelming, and anxiety about our children’s future can make us feel that we can’t progress and cause mental as well as physical exhaustion.
Taking place on the evening of Monday 13th May, this online panel event will provide practical support, advice and hope to parent carers as they seek to navigate school and local authority systems. Nicola Vantoch-Wood, RSBC’s Clinical Lead for its Families First service and a counsellor by profession, will be joining the panel.
During the session, the members of the panel will share their first hand experiences of dealing with very difficult situations, talk about how they found light at the end of the tunnel, and discuss what they’ve learned. The sessions will help parents through strategies, top tips and life hacks that provide the tools they need to better cope with the load they’re carrying and help them find joy and peace when they can.
You can register for what promises to be an interesting, informative and collaborative online session at Parent/Carers’ Support Group – Monday 13th May 2024, 7.30pm