Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth smiling and holding flowers with a girl next to her

In Memory of our Royal Patron

Her Late Majesty The Queen

We are deeply saddened by the death of our much-loved Patron, Her Late Majesty The Queen.


“Her Majesty has been an inspiration to so many generations, and to the children and young people we support. We were incredibly proud and grateful for all Her Majesty’s support over the years as our Patron.


Her Majesty’s life of dedicated service, her active interest in our work supporting children, young people and their families, and her kindness will always be remembered.


Our thoughts are with His Majesty The King and the Royal Family at this time.” Sue Sharp, Chief Executive.


One of the many special times we will remember is Her Majesty’s visit as our Royal Patron, accompanied by her late husband, HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.


We have shared some of the photos below from that special day, in 1989, when she opened RSBC Dorton College.


Her Majesty Queen Elisabet holding flowers with a girl next to her   Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth offering flowers to a girl

HM Queen Elisabeth and HRH Prince Philip looking at each other

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