Youth Forum Blog – Kaya’s Christmas

Hi my name is Kaya. I can’t believe we are still in lockdown!!

Quite a lot has changed for me since I wrote my first knockdown story earlier this year.

I am now reading  Psychology with Counselling at university. It has been really beneficial having this spare time as it has given me time to plan out my career pathway, which has been really useful.  I have now decided to become a Counsellor specifically for children and young adults with a disability.

It has been useful reading my degree and doing work for the Youth Forum as it is fantastic work experience for my course.

I am really looking forward to Christmas now, but I know it will be a very different  Christmas for many people this year as we are limited to socialising with a certain number of people amongst other aspects.

For Christmas my family usually go to Surrey to spend Christmas with our cousins. However this year due to the lockdown rules we are having Christmas at home which I am really looking forward to.

Wish me luck on helping out cooking the Christmas dinner!!