Managing your finances

In this episode of RSBC Unseen catch up with Zenny, Kaya and Charlotte giving helpful tips on their experiences of how they manage their money and savings. Tune in to hear about how you can set up your first bank account or the different ways that you can pay when you’re out and about.
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Hi everyone , and welcome to this episode of the RSBC podcast Unseen, I’m Zenny and I’m joined by Charlotte and Kaya.
So, in this episode, we’ll be talking about finances. So you know, managing finances and, you know, just like finance in general, like cash card, and just everything kind of to do with finance, basically.
So I guess we can start with the first question. I’m just curious to know. Do you guys prefer to use cash or card and why?
Definitely card and you’ll never ever see me having cash unless there’s a good reason I need it. I literally use my card for everything. But saying that I very rarely have my cards. I mean, it’s usually Apple Pay. But you will never catch me with cash. And for me, I just find it easier. I know, like many visually impaired people have their own ways of counting cash. And so do I, I can do that. But I just like to see where money they’re in my account. Know what I’ve spent? I think Apple Pay is great. It’s all on my phone. Yeah, and cash. I just I seem to… not lose it because I am not that bad. But it just ends up all over the place. I just much rather have it all in one place and use it. So when I need it.
I agree, I prefer to use my card, I’m like Charlotte, I don’t tend to carry much cash on me. I really recommend using Monzo, which is a fantastic bank for people with a visual impairment, because not only is that the bank card is fluorescent orange, so it’s easy to find and also the app for Monzo is really easy and clear to see compared to other larger banks.
Yeah, I agree. I’m, I’m usually better with cards. So like you said Charlotte, I can keep track of my spending. And, like with cash, I do tend to lose it quite a lot. I mean, the only good thing about cash, I will say is that like with a new kind of, well, they’re not really new anymore, but I suppose they are kind of new, but um, the bank notes now have that kind of little Braille G thing on them. So they’ve got like, Oh, God, I think we got like one on the 10 pound notes, three on the 20 pound notes and then like, four on the 50 pound notes. It can be two on the 10s Actually…
Read MoreCharlotte
I think the 10 has 2 doesn’t it?
I think the 5 has none.
I can’t remember if the 10 has 1 or 2.
I haven’t used cash in a long time. I also have Monzo , Monzo I definitely agree is very accessible. I also like Barclays they’re really accessible as well. Every time I’ve ever had any issues, they usually are very friendly. And they’re really accommodating to the fact that I’m blind as well. So yeah, I’m definitely like you said as well, Apple Pay is awesome. Love Apple Pay.
Yeah. Apple Pay is brilliant. I think what’s really good with Apple Pay, like when you when, for example, when you’re paying for something at the till, and you have a long queue behind you, it’s so good to just be able to tap a card. Instead of having to put your pin in, for example, it’s brilliant.
You don’t have to like spend ages like looking through your purse or wallet or whatever for your card and like trying to work out what, which one is the right card and stuff like that. Because like, I always forget my card at home.
That’s why I mean, for me, I have one of those, those phone cases where you can keep your bank card in, which is really helpful. So then I never forget it, which I’m really recommend.
I also think Apple Pay is a lot more useful. Because I mean, we’re not just talking spending in shops online because obviously, before Apple pay when they used to order online, then it asks you a card number then you sit there think Well, how am I going to do that? Apple Pay’s a lot easier for that as well, because I think nine out of 10 places online order ask that. I mean, to clearify I don’t even have Monzo; I actually use NatWest and they’re actually brilliant as well, because they actually do do a card for the visually impaired as well. And they, and the app is actually really good too. I’ve never had a problem with them. But I think they were one of the first, it was years ago that I just randomly got a call I must have told them once before I am visually impaired. I know they asked if I wanted a card for the visually impaired. It’s got like an indent on one side, which most cards do have now anyway, but at the time, it was quite new. And on each different card you have if you had multiple accounts for NatWest, it would have a bit like the notes, different bumps on each card. So yeah, they’re quite good as well. But yeah…
I also have an HSBC account, and they’ve definitely become a lot better over the years but with their websites, online banking I found it used to be really difficult, but the app is much easier to use and, and what’s really good with that app is if you have large font on your phone, it then has large font on the app as well, which is really good to use. But coming back to using cash, I mean, when I have to take out cash from a cash machine, I always tend to go inside, you know, so it’s quite helpful just asking someone to help you. Because I don’t know about both of you. But I find the Cash Machines quite difficult to see. And also, you know, when you take out cash, you never know who’s behind you outside. So that’s why I definitely recommend you to take out cash inside the actual bank,
I still don’t know how to use a cash machine, honestly. And I get like, because the only cash machine that’s near to me is the one that’s at the tube station near my house, which happens to be a very popular hangout place for some interesting people. Yes, so it’s really, it’s pretty daunting to try and do it because it’s like, you have to be really careful because it’s always the same lads like standing against the wall, with one leg crossed over the other with a hoodie and tracksuit and like, they will be eating a box of chips. And they will be looking at you watching what you’re doing. Like, I don’t know about this?
Well, the problem is as well, because, again, I don’t know about both of you, but I have to look really closely at the screen and also the keypad. And it doesn’t help that you have loads of people behind you because you never know who’s looking for example.
Apparently they speak though, if you put headphones in.
I’ve I use all different cash machines, some of them are actually becoming more inaccessible because they’re making them touchscreen, which is absolutely useless. But I can use most cash machines with the keypad, you’d I don’t know. I mean, I’m like trying to look at things close with the keypad, you don’t need to because it’s like any international keypad it has the bumps on the five. As soon as you find them bumps, you know where you are, and you can type in your pin. So I know with most generic Cash Machines, once you put your card in, it’s going to ask for your pin. So you find the five, you type in your pin and you know the enter because the Enter, the Cancel and the Clear have got different symbols on each one. So that Enter is a zero, uh circle, a raised circle. I can use the keypad fine. And then you have to look close at the screen. But I have tried the sound. So it’s pretty much all cash machines will now have a headphone slot. It does talk to you. And it is I mean, I don’t use it too often, because I can see looking close, but it does actually work. And it is quite good.
But be careful because one of my friends, who is also visually impaired. They tried to use the audio function on the cash machine and started reading out all of her private details. So just be careful.
But if you’re on headphones, though,
Yeah you put headphones in.
Yeah, without headphones. yeah, I
would never ever use it without headphones. Exactly. In a lot of them. That’s how it initiates the talking. You plug your headphones in and it starts to beat. I wouldn’t even know how phones. Yeah, I wouldn’t even know how to use it right headphones. And I think any one would be quite silly to try and use it without it.
I’ve never used one on my own. I think I’ve had my sister to help me. I just, I don’t know, I I think I’m just too like, I’m too scared to try because I just because of the fact that I obviously it makes me sound really cynical, but I can’t see who’s behind me. Like, like, just where I live is kind of dangerous anyway. But it’s just because like I just I don’t know, I just I get too anxious and focused on so many things at once like focusing on the cash machine and focus on who’s around and like, try and do that the same time.
So definitely. One thing I’ve used in the past, when I find it difficult to see what’s on the cash machine is asking someone who works there to help because that you know, that completely gets rid of the fear of worrying about who’s behind you and everything else. And then they can help you. And they can help you to tell you what’s on the screen, which is really good.
It depends on where it is, I think because the one that’s near me is just like outside literally like there’s no one working there or anything. It’s just there. But I think there’s some shops and stuff I don’t know. And like I said I’m rubbish. I don’t know anything about cash machine. Speaking of online banking, I don’t know if you guys have seen but I think like some web browsers are now starting to like, save your card things. So it’s like not as difficult to kind of have to put all your details in again. I feel like I have mixed views on that.
I also want to just say that’s what is good is you know, with the secure keys that you use for online banking, you can get the ones that are audio have the large keypads also you can use your phone as a secure key, which is also really helpful. So people who have been finding it difficult with this more secure keys with Internet Banking, who are visually impaired to completely eliminate access that is pretty good
Charlotte, I think you’re trying to say something as well. Yeah.
Now , I think on Apple, it’s a bit like when it saves your password, isn’t it? So as soon as you type in a card, on an online site, it will say, Do you want to save this card? I mean, everyone has mixed views. But the other day, I think a phone is a phone and it can remember anything. Whether you click yes or no, you use that card. So I think that mixed views is like that. But then if you use Apple Pay, your details are pretty much there anyway. So to be fair on both if I use Apple Pay, I might as well get to save the card.
Yeah, true. I think there’s just like some websites where you can save it as well. I don’t know. I mean, I’m not really techy. So I don’t know much about it. I just kind of get oh, I don’t know. It’s like saving all the details
Oh, wow. Okay, yeah. When you type it in, and it says like, save for later or something.
Yeah. Yeah, and
I don’t know what’s good with Apple Pay. I set up a shortcut on my phone. So every time I triple tap on the on and off button, it comes up with Apple Pay, so it’s quite useful.
I thought it was double tap the on and off button, because mine does it with double tap.
Yeah, so does mine..
yeah, I think that’s the automatic shortcut that it comes up can use yur Apple Watch as well to pay with Apple Pay. So that’s also quite handy. Cause sometimes I don’t even need to get my phone out. use my watch is quite good.
How accessible… Never mind we will talk about it another time… I just wanted to know how accessible are watches.
They do have VoiceOver, but yeah, that’s for another time.
Anyone have any tips and tricks for saving money and actually managing the money that they do have? Oh,
I’ve got to recommend, also with Monzo you can set up your own like saving pot?
Oh Little pots things? Yeah.
Yeah. Which is really good as well. And, again, really accessible. Have you ever tried that Zenny?
Yeah, I’ve got like a couple pots, I’ve got one for savings that I’m really rubbish at saving. But anyway, I’ve still got one for savings. And I’ve got like a couple other ones as well. But for those people that don’t have Monzo, I guess like another option could be if you have like another bank account, because I don’t know about other people. But I struggled to kind of if I’m using the one account, or the one pot for both like my, you know, my expenditure and savings and whatever I just kind of get, it’s really hard to keep track of it.
Do you have different interest on your savings pots, is it like a savings account? Or is it literally just a pot?
No, I think it is just like a pot, it’s just literally just like a pot
I think I will prefer a savings account. Like I’m quite motivated with my NatWest savings, because it’s a builder. So the more I put in, the more interest I get, and the less I touch it, the more interest I get, if I touch the money, I lose the interest. But the more I put it in, the more I keep it, the more I get. And it’s an actual savings account. So you get that money back as well like all different things.
So is that like a bonds thing?
No, it’s not a bond. It’s just one of their savings account. It’s just called a savings builder account. And it’s just one of their types of savings accounts. and there are different ones. But it just that would motivate me more. I mean, if I just had a savings pot there that I could take money in and out of and it didn’t really matter I probably wouldn’t save.
Yeah. about the money pots, with money pots when every time I make a payment, a bit of that payment goes towards the pot, so I’m saving them without having to think which is also really helpful.
Wait how, do you do that? What was that you can pay whilst saving to the pot.
So when you pay for something, yeah, it adds a little bit more from the purchase, which goes straight into your saving pot on the app. So you don’t have to constantly think about moving money towards the saving part, which is really helpful. So there are also actually saving pots on Monzo which have interest which is really helpful as well.
Yeah, I think it’s 3% interest.
Yeah, definitely. So with the account the different types of accounts are not like the bank you bank with. Like I also have a credit card which is really useful well can be useful for some unless you get carried away. But obviously for the future, like it’s good to have one to like boost up your credit score, who want a good credit card at some point, which is the main reason I got one, but also, you know, if you just want to do a bit of a spending spree and pay it back late, I can’t be good. That’s also very accessible. And again, it’s another one a bit like your Monzo paying into your money pot . I’ve got a credit card where when I spend I get money back. There’s so many credit cards, I like cashback Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. So like all my banking. That’s all my accounts are with NatWest. So I’ve got a savings account, a current account and a credit card app I have like a third or fourth bit on my app, where when I spend I have like a little bit there where I can change it into like vouchers or money or whatever. And it’s like cashback, basically. So it’s quite good.
We talked a lot about what’s good and what is accessible, I know Zenny, you find it hard to use a cash machine? But has anyone had any other challenges that they find really inaccessible from banking or saving or anything to do with finance?
I can’t think of any to be fair, no.
Blimey, that’s good.
I think I was kind of lucky because by the time I was like, old enough to start using banking and stuff like that, things had become more accessible by that point. So I don’t really think I had many hindrances. But I don’t know about other people. Charlotte, by what guessing by what you said, you seem to have some issues.
No, I was just wondering on other people to be honest I didn’t. Not really, I think everything now I mean, the only thing now like I said earlier is I think cash machine, some of them are becoming more inaccessible. I don’t know if he cannot use contactless, it’s just so confusing. Like, because when I’m looking close, then I caught my eye. It’s just yeah, just don’t like it. But it’s so there’s, it’s a symbol.
Also, I don’t know if you if you’ve used them, but some cash machines, they have like, the plastic like she also other people can’t see what you’re typing in the numbers. And I find that really difficult as well, because it just means have to look more even more closely at the keypad,
just feel for the five on the keypad. Just feel for the five on the keypad, I need to look closer at the screen. But the keypad it’s the same as any, any.
If I was to come across, a young person 16, 17 year old that was thinking of opening an account sign to manage their own finances. In the best advice I would give is one, look around, find the best bank for you, they will have different accessibility options, go into the bank, talk to the staff, and they’ll be able to tell you what they have to offer. But as well as to help people in the bank are trained are safe, and you can go in and get help. But don’t be too afraid. Like people say they don’t use cash machine, there’s not too much you can do wrong. I mean, most banks have a limit on how much you can take out per day, it’s not like you’re gonna withdraw from your current account in one go. So you know, if you want to try things, do it in a safe place, go into the bank to try and get money out things like that. But don’t, you know, just just try your best to do it yourself. And don’t rely too much on other people. Because it’s, it feels good to be independent with your money.
I’d definitely recommend going into the bank itself and maybe organise a meeting with someone who works at and then they can guide you through what’s best for you. And they can recommend how to manage your money, but also how to use your account and other things with savings.
Yeah, I agree with what Kaya and Charlotte have both said definitely. I think just looking around or you know, if you don’t want to go in maybe just call the banks and just see what’s good, like what works for you. Also, if you know any other like blind people that are kind of older or who are more experienced, that you trust, maybe speak to them because I think you know everyone will have different advice and different kinds of things that have worked for them. But yeah, I do definitely recommend you know, speaking to different banks first because they’ll be able to advise you better and you know, I think you can close down bank accounts as well. If you have issues so obviously if you like if you create one a bank account and it doesn’t really work out, there is always the option to move your money over and stuff like that. So it’s all kind of just about trying and seeing what works for you.
And I think also when you start setting up your internet banking as well I think it is very important to definitely make a note of all the passwords because, there are so many different passwords for Internet Banking. And I think definitely making a note of it and keeping it safe somewhere is really important.
Sonia Archer
Okay, I have another question. So I know you spoke about using Apple Pay and going out; easy in like clubs or pubs, do you have to think differently
No Apple Pay still the easiest.
Yeah, Apple Pay is definitely the easiest, that she’s probably more safe because like you because obviously they fit you in a club or like, it depends on what kind of club you go to, obviously, but like, if you’re in kind of like a shady one. I don’t know why you’d go there. But sometimes, you know, anyway, so like, we live in a shady club, and there’s like, random people behind you. And my pick is just kind of easier to use your Apple Pay, you can never know, like, I don’t know about you guys. But like, for me, it’s pretty hard to see like, see, if I take out my card. If I had it, like facing up and you want to be like looking or anything. So it’s just yeah, just like with Apple Pay. Because you can use like your screen curtain. And if you’ve got voiceover, or like, you can just literally just, you know, it’s just it’s a lot easier. Like,
I got another thing that proves it. And it’s a funny story, actually. So I went to a bar not long ago with my friends and I bought a wine and a coke which came to £11. So I paid for this, you know when you’re somewhere and they put it in the till. And they separately have to type it into the card machine. Yeah, that was one of them. So obviously, they always say check the amount in pay. So I can’t see the amount on the card machine reader. So I didn’t check the amount that I paid. Now, if I’d done that on my card, they probably hand me a paper receipt or not even give me a receipt at all. And I wouldn’t have known what I paid until I looked at my bank statement at a later date. Because I sat back down and on Apple Pay you get a notification straightaway on your phone. I realised I had just paid 110 pounds.
like, oh my god,
they obviously just added a zero by accident and it was fine. Like I went straight back up, I got the money refunded straightaway, it was all fine. But with Apple Pay, I think that’s why it’s better as well. Because I mean, my mom said to me, You should be more careful. And I was like, but I still can’t see the amount on the card reader. So that’s what I would recommend. If you are using Apple Pay, always check what you have paid afterwards. Which obviously if I if I did use my card that would I wouldn’t have known until I looked at my bank statement probably back a week later and then be like, Oh, no, what am I gonna do now. So that is another reason it’s really good as well.
But what it shows us another reason why Monzo is so good, because it’s instant. And you know, as soon as you pay something, immediately get the notification on your phone.
you do with any bank with Apple Pay Now. But even in my bank statement, it would be there straightaway. But I’d have to actually think oh, let me check my bank statement, which I’m not going to do
here. Notifications like with Barclays or Monzo, it comes up.
Yeah, no, it does it any account when you use Apple Pay, you get a notification for your wallet. So you’re gonna
No no no like, even if you just like say if you used like a contactless. They say if you use it your Barclays card, it still pops up on your banking app.
I don’t, maybe I can, but I haven’t set that. I don’t.
I know my mom does, though. So I’m clearly doing something wrong, but I don’t normally. But then I’m not sure because contactless that would have been over the limit. So let me use it anyway, they probably would have just said put in your card, and I would have just listened and done it
It is amazing, isn’t it? How advanced things have become with like, just paying with a phone or with your wrist? Like isn’t it just like incredible now? Like, yeah, I think like 20 years ago? I mean, I mean, I don’t know, I was only like, what, 2? 20 years ago? I don’t think you know, I think to imagine how things are now would be really interesting. Like, I’d love to speak to someone who’s like a lot older than us to kind of see how they feel. Because it’s really interesting.
Sonia Archer
So if you guys could give one piece of advice from your experience to the listeners, what would it be regarding finances, money, etc.
So I think my one piece of advice to just anyone in general with regards to finances is I really really kind of stress on maybe you just keeping some sort of pot for savings or some like just like some sort of way just to keep some savings and keep track of managing your finances because especially nowadays, the living costs and stuff like that, it’s just, it’s a lot of better just to keep track of everything. And you know definitely as always, if you’re a first time kind of person who’s going to buy and consume, just look around. Just do your own research. Honestly, I think that’s the most important thing. Do your own research. Make sure you’re safe, make sure you’re doing what’s right for you. But I think yeah, I think apart from that, I think that’s kind of the main thing that I like, I’d say to anyone
I recommend also what Zenny said. And also, just try to make a mental note of everything that you’re buying and spending your money on. Because I had a case a few years ago, when I used to use iTunes. And for some reason, I noticed that I was getting charged for a lot of money that I wasn’t, that wasn’t true to what I was actually spending on. And I had to call and I actually had, it was turned out to be incorrect. So definitely make a note of everything that you’re buying and spending your money on.
Yeah, similar to I was going to say. one piece of advise just be always keep track of your money, always keep up with your payment regularly, which you can do so easily now with a click of a button. And just keep track of everything you’re spending and saving. And just yeah, basically just keep track of your because there’s so many mistakes that can happen, which most of time isn’t your fault isn’t the bank’s fault could be the scammers or anything but just keep track of what you’re doing so that you know what’s going on with your own money. And don’t get carried away. Because like I said, keep track of a card, too many people just spend and spend and never actually check their statement or their balance. So yeah, just make sure you keep track of things.
Yeah. And also, like, I definitely would recommend if you are going to use Apple Pay and subscriptions and stuff, make sure just to keep an eye on that because I know a couple people who have like, who are still sign up to loads, like subscription services that they don’t even use any more. And it just like charge their account, like every month. So like just make sure that you keep an eye on that. And definitely, like just be careful, because I know like when I first started banking, like online banking, I was really, really happy. I was like, oh my god, I just use my account. Yay. And I think I kind of got a bit carried away like in this was kind of like the first, like couple weeks or so. So don’t make the same mistake I did. It wasn’t you know, it wasn’t too bad anyway, but like, just be careful because it is exciting. Because it is like a whole new thing. But just be careful.
I guess also because that’s the other problem is the fact that it’s so easy to tap that can literally just tap the machine sometimes without even having to put your pin or password in. So you know, it’s very easy to get carried away.
It’s really easy to get kind of like addicted, like because it’s kind of similar to like the Wetherspoons app like I remember when that first came out, like a bunch of us just like went to Wetherspoons. Or just like because it was so easy to use. We just kept tapping tapping because I think it was just the fun of like, just like pressing a button, and then just like just happening.
Oh my God, like God help you now considering like every pub has an app.
And I think also, that’s the other thing as well, like, one piece of advice I’d really recommend is with apps generally, because there are subscriptions within apps, which you sometimes don’t realise, like, you might think it’s just like a one off payment. But actually, you get charged every month and it starts building up. So Oh, yeah. So yeah, I don’t know if any of you have had that before. But yeah.
Yeah, I have I think I bought when I was living in Redding, with my ex, I bought a dryer, I think like a clothes tumble dryer. And I didn’t read the thing properly. And then like every month, they kept charging me a certain amount I was like why? And I didn’t know where it was coming from or anything. And then I had to kind of go back through everything. Because this was like a year later when everything happened. So like it was like a year they’d have moved back home or whatever. And there was still this payment going out every month. This is from
also like with companies like Amazon, you can get these things called subscriptions. Yeah. And they don’t always make it so obvious that it comes out every month
Yeah, every month Yeah. So definitely, if you’re purchasing something like make sure like I know it sounds boring, but make sure you read it because like otherwise they have these like little hidden kind of things that they don’t make very obvious and you end up spending it might just even be a small amount a month, but it doesn’t really matter because the point is like it’s still an amount. Yeah, it does add up.
So yeah, but it’s always a small print at the bottom when you buy something, which you definitely need to read.
Well, thank you everyone for listening and remember to listen to all of our tips and take into account that if you want to set up a bank account just follow our steps and also remember to save to manage to buy anything you want.
Thank you
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